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August 2018
Date Title
8/11/18 Revere Journal: Revere Fire Dept Awarded $1.1M Homeland Grant
8/8/18 The Boston Globe: Warren and Clark did a survey on gun violence in schools, and they’re sending it to Betsy DeVos
July 2018
Date Title
7/26/18 The Hill: House panel votes to limit use of restraints on pregnant border detainees
7/23/18 The Boston Globe: Animal abusers shouldn’t own guns
7/16/18 The MetroWest Daily News: Clark: A fight over pre-existing conditions
7/12/18 MassLive: Massachusetts congresswoman offers bill to prevent those convicted of animal cruelty from accessing firearms
7/11/18 BuzzFeed: Government Contractors Asked About The Religion Of Immigrant Women Trying To Reunite With Their Kids, Lawyers Say
7/9/18 The MetroWest Daily News: Guatemalan mom reunited with daughter taken at border crossing
7/6/18 CNN: It took this mother 55 days to be reunited with her young daughter
7/2/18 USA Today: Capital Gazette gunman constantly harassed journalists on Twitter. Why wasn't he stopped?
June 2018
Date Title
6/26/18 MassLive: Massachusetts congresswoman calls Supreme Court's crisis pregnancy centers decision 'devastating blow to the rights and health of women'
6/25/18 The Boston Globe: Democrats flood border, demanding answers on immigrant child separations
6/19/18 NECN: U.S. House Passes Rep. Clark's Bill to Ease Addiction Workforce Shortage
6/19/18 Winchester Star: Recovering from a concussion, Winchester High student discovered a gift
6/15/18 The Hill: Members of Congress demand new federal gender pay audit