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July 2020
Date Title
7/24/20 WBUR: 'A Very Dangerous Game': Mass. Delegation Worries Unemployment Benefits May Expire
7/23/20 Politico: Dems rebuke culture of sexism in defense of Ocasio-Cortez
7/23/20 WGBH: Rep. Katherine Clark: Republicans 'Playing A High Wire Act With The Lives Of American People'
7/22/20 Politico: 'Crashing down’: How the child care crisis is magnifying racial disparities
7/22/20 MSN: Leaders call for civility after GOP lawmaker's verbal attack on Ocasio-Cortez
7/21/20 MassLive: Food assistance to the Northeast during pandemic lags behind other regions; Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Jim McGovern demand equity from USDA
7/19/20 Framingham Source: Rep. Katherine Clark Pays Tribute To Late Rep. John Lewis
7/19/20 Boston Globe: For John Lewis, Selma was only a moment in a lifetime of activism
7/18/20 Framingham Source: Mass Lawmakers Urge Stop & Shop To Reconsider Terminating Hazard Pay For Employees
7/16/20 Katherine Clark on MSNBC: We can’t have a healthy economy without investing in child care
7/16/20 Framingham Source: Massachusetts Delegation wants Trump Administration To Distribute $14 Million To Educational Institutions
7/15/20 WGBH: Mass. House Coalition Lays Out Path Toward Maternal Health Equity
7/15/20 Gloucester Times: Congressional delegation calling for extension of emergency declaration
7/14/20 Framingham Wicked Local: Massachusetts Lawmakers Want Colleges & Universities To Provide Off-Campus Student Info For Census
7/13/20 Boston Globe: At online town hall, Warren denounces Trump for handling of pandemic