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March 2022
Date Title
3/21/22 Your Arlington: Officials tout $750,000 for coastal resiliency project
3/21/22 Medford Transcript: At last: the trains have come to Somerville; first new Green Line Station opens
3/19/22 Gloucester Times: Home heating oil spike puts squeeze on consumers
3/19/22 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits a broken Delray Beach drawbridge. It helps show what billions in new funds will fix.
3/18/22 Daily Times Chronicle: Federal funding comes through for Hurld site
3/17/22 Bay State Banner: Pelosi discusses children’s mental health, Joins Pressley, Clark for chat at Cambridge Health Alliance
3/17/22 Worcester Business Journal: Framingham State receives $600K for early college program
3/17/22 Lexington Patch: MA Congressional Delegation Announces Plan to Combat Homelessness
3/17/22 Framingham Source: ​​Assistant Speaker Clark Leads Effort To Reduce Energy Costs For Americans In Wake of War in Ukraine
3/17/22 Waltham Patch: Rep. Clark Says 'More Needs To Be Done' To Reduce Energy Costs
3/16/22 Cision: PAWS Act Coalition Lauds Full Congressional Funding for Grant Program to Aid Survivors of Domestic Violence and their Pets
3/16/22 WCVB: Massachusetts delegation reacts to Zelenskyy's speech, express support for Ukraine
3/15/22 Framingham Source: Framingham State and MassBay Receive $600,000 Federal Grant to Expand Early College Opportunities in Waltham Public Schools
3/14/22 Malden Patch: Malden Lead Pipe Removal Project Gets $3.3 Million Boost
3/14/22 Roll Call: Clark introduces bill to reauthorize program to treat and screen for maternal mental health and substance use disorders