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December 2020
Date Title
12/9/20 EcoWatch: 550 Groups Urge Biden to Become #PlasticFreePresident With 8 Executive Actions
12/9/20 MassLive: ‘We need relief now’: Massachusetts leaders clamor for COVID stimulus checks, fight against corporate liability protections
12/8/20 WBUR: Rep. Katherine Clark On The Push To Pass A COVID-19 Relief Bill Before The Year's End
12/7/20 WBUR: 16 Mass. Elected Officials Challenge State Agency On East Boston Substation
12/4/20 Framingham Source: Rep. Clark Celebrates Legislation Decriminalizing Marijuana at Federal Level
12/4/20 Boston Globe: In the pandemic, ‘women’s work’ is critical care
12/3/20 Roll Call: How diverse is the Democratic leadership team compared to the caucus?
November 2020
Date Title
11/30/20 Sudbury Town Crier: Letter to the editor: Sudbury DTC congratulates Congresswoman Katherine Clark
11/28/20 Commonwealth Magazine: Crisis in early education and care demands action
11/27/20 Peter Lucas: U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark’s meteoric rise in the House leadership shows her perseverance
11/25/20 19th News: Katherine Clark on what it means to become the second-highest ranking woman in Congress
11/25/20 Fortune: Nancy Pelosi isn’t the only woman in House leadership anymore. Meet incoming Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark
11/25/20 Washington Times: Top House Democrat: Congress 'cannot overspend' on coronavirus relief
11/25/20 Framingham Source: Massachusetts Congressional Delegation: Halt Needless & Cruel Deportations
11/25/20 Mediaite: Democrats Roundly Decry Trump Pardoning Michael Flynn: ‘Crooked to the End’