February 2018
Date | Title |
2/6/18 | Clark: ‘Four months of funding emergencies show GOP’s inability to govern’ |
January 2018
Date | Title |
1/30/18 | Clark statement on Trump State of the Union address |
1/29/18 | Clark SOTU guest spotlights need for #MeToo movement in service workforce |
November 2017
Date | Title |
11/29/17 | Clark on Sexual Harassment Legislation in U.S. House |
11/16/17 | Clark Statement on passage of Republican tax bill |
11/3/17 | Clark Statement on Republicans’ cynical CHIP bill |
October 2017
September 2017
Date | Title |
9/12/17 | Clark bill makes college more accessible to homeless and foster youth |
9/5/17 | Clark Statement on Trump DACA Decision |
August 2017
Date | Title |
8/9/17 | Clark, Mullin Urge E-prescriptions to Combat Opioid Overdoses |
July 2017