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May 2019
Date Title
5/3/19 Clark Hosts Speaker Pelosi to Discuss Access to Quality, Affordable Child Care, House Democrats Plans to Invest More in Kinds
5/1/19 Statement from Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Rep. Katherine Clark on Fiscal Year 2020 Labor, Health, and Education Funding Bill
April 2019
Date Title
4/9/19 Clark, Murray join workers, survivors to introduce sweeping Time's Up legislation
4/3/19 Clark Questions Labor Secretary Acosta's Pattern of Defending the Powerful over Victims of Child Labor, Human Trafficking
4/1/19 Clark calls for resignation of Secretary Devos over use of racist policy
March 2019
Date Title
3/29/19 Congresswoman Clark announces open submission for Annual Art Competition
3/27/19 Clark Celebrates Passage of Paycheck Fairness Act
3/13/19 Clark, Murray, Portman, Young Reintroduce Legislation to Provide Support for Homeless Students and Former Foster Young
3/12/19 Congresswoman Clark Announces Wounded Warrior Fellowship in Malden District Office
3/11/19 Statement on Trump's Cruel 2020 Budget Proposal
3/8/19 Congresswoman Clark's Statement on the Passage of HR1
3/7/19 Congresswoman Clark's Statement on House Resolution 183
3/7/19 Congresswoman Clark, Senator Menendez, Colleagues Announce Bicameral Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act
February 2019
Date Title
2/28/19 Clark, Jayapal introduce bill to require president and vice president to fully divest personal financial conflicts of interest
2/27/19 Statement on the Passage of the Bipartisan Background Check Act