MALDEN, MA - Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark (MA-5) released the following statement in advance of the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the deadliest terrorist attack in United States history.  

“Today marks twenty years since our nation was attacked and forever reshaped. To the brave service members and first responders who sacrificed their lives, their health, and their wellbeing on that day, and in the years since, we are profoundly grateful. To the family members of those fallen, we honor the memory of your loved ones and your incredible loss. To the Muslim Americans who have suffered discrimination in the wake of 9/11, we vow to do better. And to the children who have grown up never knowing an America not at war, we will continue our work for peace.

“There is much to be done to make our country, and our world, a place free from the threats of terrorism and the legacy of that awful day, and today we recommit ourselves to a more peaceful, tolerant, and just future.”
