Clark Statement on House Republican Proposal to Address Humanitarian Crisis at the Border
Washington, D.C. -- Congresswoman Katherine Clark released the following statement on House Republicans’ latest proposal to deal with the urgent humanitarian crisis at the border:
“Ten months ago, House Republicans sent a message to the American people, ‘if Congress doesn’t do things our way, we will shut the government down.’ As a result, our nation suffered 24 billion dollars in economic losses, and worse, it cost the trust of the American public. Today, history repeats itself with a shameful and cynical bill custom made for the far right’s extortionist form of governance.
“This cruel bill will send innocent children to the violence they escaped and it needlessly targets America’s DREAMers - young people who were brought to this country as children.
“This heartless bill was constructed behind closed doors without any input from Democrats. It has been met by a chorus of opposition from hundreds of faith-based, human rights, legal and education organizations. It is far from the bipartisan immigration reform the Senate passed a over a year ago that is supported by House Democrats, over 636 business organizations, religious leaders, law enforcement officers, and diverse advocacy organizations.”