WASHINGTON DC – Congresswoman Katherine Clark has received the first dose of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

“Upon medical advice, I received a coronavirus vaccine this morning,” said Congresswoman Clark, in a statement this morning, December 19. “A vaccine has been made available to Congress because of the need for continuity of government operations.”

“While I am no more deserving of the vaccine than anyone else, I want to demonstrate that coronavirus vaccines are safe and effective. By taking the vaccine, we are not only protecting ourselves, but everyone around us. I ask everyone to please take a vaccine as soon as they can. This is how we end the pandemic and the suffering it continues to cause,” said Rep. Clark.

“I remain in Washington fighting for a COVID-19 relief package that will not only include funding for the efficient distribution of the vaccine, but emergency aid to Americans who are hungry, facing eviction, and don’t know when their next paycheck may come. Our work is not over until every American is healthy and protected from this virus and is able to provide for their families,” said the Congresswoman.

“In the meantime, as the vaccine is being distributed, we must continue to wear masks, social distance, avoid large gatherings, and follow the science based guidance that we keep the virus from spreading further,” said Rep. Clark.


Original story here.