Assistant Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Katherine Clark (MA-5) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s final ruling overturning the right to an abortion established in Roe v. Wade. 

Recent Gallup polling shows Americans’ support for abortion in all or most cases at 80%.

“Overturning the right to an abortion brings us to the horrifying reality of government-mandated pregnancy – we are now living in a dystopian nightmare. Forced pregnancy is morally abhorrent, and this decision will set women back decades,” said Congresswoman Clark.

“We have known this day was coming since the leaked Supreme Court draft was released early last month – but we have also predicted this outcome after watching the assault on reproductive rights orchestrated by Republicans for decades. This is the culmination of a scorched earth campaign against women’s rights, communities of color, and low-income families, and a roadmap of where the GOP is headed next if they gain more power in Congress,” said the Assistant Speaker.

“We are not powerless. It is critical that we protect and grow Democratic majorities in Congress and ensure that reproductive rights champions continue to win elected offices at all levels of government to guarantee that all people have control over their bodies and their futures,” said the Massachusetts Congresswoman.


Original story HERE.