WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) spoke on the House Floor denouncing Republicans’ hostage-taking of the federal budget to advance an extreme agenda at the expense of everyday Americans. Below is an excerpt of her remarks.

“I think we have very different definitions of success for the American people. As Democrats, we have been focused – and have been successful – in growing our economy by growing the middle class. Lowering health care costs. Making sure that we are addressing climate change. Having safer communities. And now, the Republican Conference is saying they are sending us home for six weeks without funding the government? That we have one bill – one bill out of twelve – completed because extremists are holding your conference hostage. And that's not the full story. 

“The extremists are holding the American people hostage. We will have twelve days – twelve days – when we return to fund the government – to live up to the job the American people sent us here to do. This is a reckless march to a MAGA shutdown. And for what? In pursuit of a national abortion ban? Is that what we are doing here? 

“The American people see through this. They know who is fighting for them – fighting for solutions. Your time is coming. The American people are watching. They are going to demand accountability. We should be staying here. Completing these appropriation bills. Stripping out the toxic, divisive, bigoted riders that have been put on these bills. And get back to work for freedom, and for our economy and the American family. I yield back.”

To view Whip Clark’s remarks, click HERE.

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