Assistant Speaker Clark joined Action for Boston Community Development to celebrate the new Head Start Center in Medford and highlight federal funding that’s helping families access affordable child care


MEDFORD, MA. – Yesterday, on October 18, 2022, Assistant Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Katherine Clark (MA-5) joined representatives of Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) to celebrate Medford’s new Head Start Center and the historic funding that Congressional Democrats secured for early education. Assistant Speaker Clark toured the state-of-the-art early learning center and met with parents and staff to discuss the importance of investing in child care and the ongoing challenges within the early education system and the impact on families. 

“An investment in child care is an investment in our economy. I’m proud to have secured historic funding for child care and Head Start in the American Rescue Plan, and today, I was able to see this funding come to life,” said Assistant Speaker Clark while speaking with parents and early educators in Medford. “I ran for Congress to be a voice for families. There are plenty of people in Washington who speak for Special Interests and corporations. I want you to know that when I’m at the table, you’re at the table.” 

“We are so grateful for Assistant Speaker Clark’s visit to ABCD’s Medford Head Start and Children’s Services yesterday”, said ABCD President and CEO, Sharon-Scott Chandler. “She has been an incredible champion in Washington for children, families and providers in the Head Start and Child Care community for so many years. During the pandemic, she helped programs continue to support children and families with $1 billion in emergency funding for Head Start through the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, and she continues to be steadfast in her commitment to investing in and supporting access to high quality early childhood education that better meets the needs of children and families and values the professionals who serve them.” 

Kristina DiMaria, Center Director for Medford, Everett and Malden, said that Assistant Speaker Clark’s visit was a morale booster. “Assistant Speaker Clark taking the time to sit and listen to the needs and concerns of Head Start parents and staff made us feel seen and heard,” she said. “We have confidence that increasing teacher salaries, and recruitment and retention will find a place on the national agenda.”

Assistant Speaker Clark has long been a champion for equitable access to early education and livable wages for early childhood educators. In 2016, she co-founded the Pre-K Caucus to promote policies that expand access to high-quality early education and child care for families. She secured $50 billion in relief for the child care sector and Head Start programs in the American Rescue Plan in 2021 and pandemic relief laws.

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Assistant Speaker Clark leads the fight for increased funding for the Child Care Development Block Grant and Head Start funding annually, and has secured a significant increase for these programs in the FY22 spending package

Photos available HERE.

