WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, in recognition of the start of Gun Violence Awareness Month, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) joined Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (CA-33), Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Chair Mike Thompson (CA-4), and Members of the House Democratic Caucus to reflect on the progress Democrats have made toward a future free from gun violence and to demand that Republicans join in taking action. Below is a transcript of her remarks: 

“Thank you, Mike [Thompson]. Thank you for all your work, for your leadership, and for making it possible that two years ago this month, a Democratic Congress and a Democratic President enacted the Safer Communities Act — the most significant gun legislation in over 30 years. The most ambitious effort to save kids' lives since before my own children were even born. 

“It was a once-in-a-generation kind of achievement. But it shouldn’t be. As Democrats made clear at the time, this is the beginning — not the end — of our work.

“But what have we seen under this Republican Majority? Nothing. Not a single vote to save a single life. We see them standing with a convicted felon who tells students to 'get over' the violent death of their classmate. Who embraces the conspiracy theorists tormenting the parents of murdered first graders. They wear lapel pins fetishizing assault weapons but do nothing to prevent violence. We see nothing from House Republicans but cruel inaction — and that inaction is a policy choice. Inaction is choosing to further gun violence in our communities. 

“Compare that to the choice leaders standing behind me have made.

“Chair Thompson is pushing a bill to disarm drug cartels and human traffickers. He’s unveiled another bill to ban dangerous and untraceable ghost guns. 

“Assistant Leader Neguse has written the STOP Violence Act, the Secure Background Checks Act, and the End Gun Violence Act. That simply says, if you commit a violent crime, you can’t buy a gun for five years. It’s that simple.

“Robin Kelly has introduced the Federal Firearm Licensee Act — requiring dealers to report stolen guns.

“Jason Crow — a combat veteran — introduced the Colorado Loophole Act to strengthen background checks.

“And just yesterday, Lucy McBath continued her incomparable, inspiring leadership with the introduction of the GOSAFE Act.

“Despite that leadership, despite that connection with the American people, none of these bills have been scheduled for a vote. And under this extreme Majority, I very much doubt they ever will be.

“But look at the Members behind me, look at the advocates behind me, look at our Caucus, and you will find a wealth of commonsense policies. All of them ready for the Floor. All of them ready to be enacted. All of them ready to start saving lives. 

“That’s the difference between the two sides of the aisle. They’re here to pull stunts. We are here to solve problems.

“And that is why this election year is so critical — so we can make the choice to end gun violence for our children, our communities, and our country

“And now, it’s my privilege to yield to one of those leaders who, every day, energizes and inspires our Caucus to stay in this fight. Our distinguished Chair from California: Pete Aguilar.”

Photos of the event can be found HERE, the full event can be viewed HERE.

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