“It’s a new fiscal year but the Trump budget is telling the same, cruel story: corporations before working Americans. The President is proposing a 9% cut to domestic programs that families in need rely on: nutrition assistance, pre-school grants, teen pregnancy prevention programs, afterschool programs, and job training. These are programs that create economic sustainability for millions of Americans and keep millions more out of poverty.

The Trump budget also turns its back on innovation by cutting the National Institutes of Health by over $5 billion, threatens the security of our seniors with an over $1 trillion cut to Medicare and Medicaid, and puts the health care of millions of Americans at risk by again proposing to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Instead of using our federal dollars to invest in policies that lift up all Americans, the President is doubling-down on the GOP’s 2017 tax scam by providing additional tax cuts to the wealthy and attempting to waste tax dollars on an ineffective border wall.

The federal budget reflects our values, and this budget paints a very clear picture of where the President’s values lie.”
