WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) took to the House Floor to denounce House Republicans’ extreme, partisan Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development appropriations bill ten days before government funding runs out. Below is a transcript of her remarks:

“Madam Speaker, we are ten days from a GOP shutdown. And instead of finding a bipartisan way forward, instead of working with us to lower costs for families at home, instead of honoring the budget deal that we already agreed to, Republicans have turned around and become a Pro-Lead Poisoning Caucus. Really! Read the bill.

“They have written a housing and transportation budget that defunds lead removal in low-income housing. Lead removal — in the homes of 46,000 kids. And that’s not all.

“This bill cuts affordable housing construction by two-thirds. It guts transit funding — leaving parents with longer, more dangerous, less reliable commutes. And, newsflash! Nobody’s gas prices were ever lowered by banning pride flags. But the open discrimination against LGBTQ+ Americans in this bill will hurt communities in every single one of our districts.

“This bill is more of the same from the MAGA Republican Majority — unserious, heartless extremism. I urge my colleagues to put our Children Over Politics and vote no.” 

To watch the full speech, click HERE

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