WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) released the following statement in celebration of the third annual Juneteenth National Independence Day.

“Juneteenth commemorates the day in 1865 when more than 200,000 enslaved Americans in Texas received word of their long-overdue emancipation, more than two years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Today, we reflect on both bondage and freedom — on our legacy and our promise. We honor those who have organized, fought, and shed blood in the struggle for equality. And, we renew our commitment to rooting out discrimination, injustice, and violence wherever they may arise. 

“America was founded on a promise of ‘liberty and justice for all.’ For too many, this commitment is still an aspiration instead of a reality. Juneteenth reminds us to press ahead. To protect our history from those who wish to see it erased. To demand opportunity in our democracy and in all spheres of life. To dismantle systemic racism once and for all. Standing together, we will continue to bend the moral arc of our country toward justice.”

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