WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) joined Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) and Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (CA-33) for a press conference denouncing Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s support of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Below is a transcript of her remarks:

“As the Leader has said, this impeachment is based on no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden. But it's all the evidence we need to show that Kevin McCarthy has lost control of the gavel. With this announcement today, he has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this Republican Conference is controlled by conspiracy theorists – devoid of reasonable voices that are coming here to govern and solve problems.

“Donald Trump is the ultimate puppet master. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling the shots. They ignore their constituents. And they have purged their ranks of anyone who can call themselves a moderate.

“If there were moderates left, where are they? Why haven't they demanded a vote? Why haven't they come out and called this a distraction – a gross political stunt. Why? Because MAGA extremists are running the House.

“Six weeks ago, Kevin McCarthy sent the House home without a plan to keep the federal government open for business. Now, we have just days to fund the government for the American people. But instead of getting to work – instead of thinking about the brave firefighters who need to get paid as they battle wildfires across this country, our heroic troops who deserve a paycheck for their service, the communities that need disaster aid, the seniors that depend on government service – he has launched a sham impeachment inquiry rooted in baseless, discredited lies.

“There is no evidence. None. And, when Republicans are asked about it, they dance around the question. So what's the origin story of today's announcement? January 3rd -- when the extremists dangled the speakership in front of Kevin McCarthy, and he sold out.

“Those extremists have pushed us to the edge of economic disaster with the manufactured default crisis. When we came together in an agreement to save our economy, before the ink was even dry, McCarthy once again succumbed to pressure and reneged. Then he sent us home for six weeks just having passed one of twelve appropriation bills.

“And now, here we are. Just days ago, he vowed to hold a vote for an inquiry. But the leaders of the MAGA Republican Conference are not here to serve the American people, or improve their lives, or brighten their future. There is no agenda except chaos and division. They are only interested in advancing MAGA extremism. 

“But whatever distractions they manufacture, Democrats are here to do our jobs. We are here to grow the economy by growing the middle class. And that's what we will continue to do.” 

To view the complete press conference, click HERE

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