WASHINGTON, D.C. – Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) released the following statement on Congressman John Sarbanes (MD-3) announcing his retirement at the end of the term: 

“John Sarbanes is an extraordinary public servant and trusted friend to his colleagues. Above all else, he is a fierce defender of democracy. During the 117th Congress, his leadership was instrumental to the passage of H.R. 1, the For the People Act — transformational legislation to remove dark money from politics, strengthen ethics laws, ensure fair elections, and protect voting rights. 

“The House Democratic Caucus and the constituents of Maryland’s Third District will continue to be well served by his leadership over the remainder of his term. While I will miss John personally, I know that his achievements in Congress will continue to impact Marylanders — and Americans across the country — for generations to come. I thank him for his service and wish him and his family all the best in this next chapter.”

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