WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark released the following statement revealing that the Trump administration has diverted $3.3 million from Massachusetts’ share of The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) while cutting more than $500 million nationally:

“Amid skyrocketing grocery prices, Republicans just stole more than $3 million in emergency food assistance from families across the Commonwealth — including 90,000 cartons of eggs. Nationally, they’ve robbed hungry families of more than $500 million in groceries. 

“This comes on the heels of $12.2 million that was diverted from Massachusetts schools — funding that would have provided kids with fresh food and directly supported local farmers. Instead, taxpayer dollars intended to feed hungry Americans will fund tax breaks and corrupt contracts for Republican campaign donors.

“It’s the same story every single day: Enrich the wealthy at the expense of everyday folks.”

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