WASHINGTON, D.C. – Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) released the following statement after voting against the Republicans’ partisan Israel supplemental funding legislation: 

“Today, House Republicans set a dangerous precedent, making aid to our ally Israel conditional on helping billionaires cheat on their taxes. This irresponsible, partisan bill abandons the people of Ukraine and innocent Palestinian civilians in need of humanitarian aid, undermines our national security, and only delays our ability to support Israel’s defense against Hamas.

“The conflict in the Middle East is intensifying. Hate against the Jewish and Muslim communities is on the rise. This is no time for Republican political games. The world is watching and waiting for us to act. 

“We must pass a bipartisan supplemental funding package that reflects President Biden’s request: helping our allies defend themselves, providing life-saving humanitarian assistance, and bolstering our national security. We urge House Republicans to work with us on advancing a serious proposal that meets this critical moment.”

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