Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Boston on Monday to meet with Massachusetts labor leaders.

The vice president headlined the annual Greater Boston Labor Council Breakfast at the Park Plaza Hotel.

Harris addressed a room packed with union members and said the Biden Administration is determined to lead the most pro-union administration in American history.

Harris spoke about the importance of unions when it comes to rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

The speech included references to plumbers and pipefitters in Malden and Chelsea, electrical workers in Northampton and Essex and the work being done by Boston’s building trades to create new sidewalks and make upgrades at Logan International Airport.

Harris, who is also the Chair of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, highlighted the gains the labor movement has made in the last two years and said the work must continue.

"Our whole nation, whether they are a member of a union or not, benefits from your work because when union wages go up, everyone's wages go up," Harris said. "When unions are strong, America is strong."

Harris then hosted a roundtable with union members and organizers before traveling back to Washington, D.C.

Around that time, hundreds of members of the Local 26 union — which represents Massachusetts hospitality workers — descended on the Hyatt Centric Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston to call for a contract for the hotel's employees.

"This hotel is shameful. Even though its employees have all decided to unionize, the company refuses to negotiate a fair contract," said Erme Rosario, of Local 26.

Much of the state's congressional delegation was on hand to support the Hyatt Centric workers.

"Working people make our country work, and our middle class is proud to wear a union label," said U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark, who represents Massachusetts' 5th congressional district.

In early August, Harris attend a roundtable with state legislators and local leaders to discuss the fight to protect reproductive rights. She also attended fundraising events at Martha's Vineyard.

For Harris' visit to Boston, there were parking restrictions in place around the Park Plaza, which remained in place until she boarded a flight back to Washington at Logan International Airport just before 1 p.m.


Original story HERE