Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders indicated he would likely vote for a new bipartisan framework for gun reform if it makes it to the floor of the Senate in a debate moderated by Fox News with Sen. Lindsey Graham Monday. 

“It hasn’t been written yet, we have an outline of it, if that bill came to the floor, would I vote for it? I’m quite sure I would,” Sanders said. “Does it go anywhere near far enough? No, it does not.”

Among other things, the bipartisan framework would provide resources for states to implement “red flag” laws that allow individuals to petition courts to keep firearms away from people deemed a risk to themselves or others. It also establishes a more rigorous process for background checks of those between 18 and 21 years old and clarifies who must register as a federally licensed firearm dealer, according to NBC.

“I think this is a start, but I believe we have to go much, much further,” Sanders said. 

Sanders called for further action in terms of gun reform for “the sake of our children” and “for the sake of all of us.”

“Are we comfortable living in a nation where anybody can walk into a gun store today and come out with an AR-15, which is designed to mow down people in a military fashion?” Sanders said. “The time now is for the sake of our children, for the sake of all of us, to prepare serious gun safety legislation and have the courage to stand up to the NRA.”

Local politicians are also putting in their opinions on the bipartisan framework, including Rep. Katherine Clark who called for gun reforms to honor those lost at the Pulse Nightclub shooting six years ago.

Rep. Lori Trahan called the framework a “critical step forward” for gun reform.

Promising a yes vote if it makes it to the House of Representatives, Rep. Jake Auchincloss said he will keep fighting to keep “weapons of war” off the streets.

Ed Markey called the deal a “good start.”


Original story HERE.