The House adopted a controversial amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act that would ban the Pentagon from covering travel expenses for service members seeking abortions, potentially dooming the bill's passage. 

House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark told CBS News earlier Thursday that Democrats would "oppose the bill" if it contains the amendment on the abortion policy. Republicans can only afford to lose four votes without Democratic help. 

In the Senate, GOP Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville has been blocking military nominations and promotions over the military abortion policy, which covers certain abortion-related travel expenses for service members based in states with restrictive reproductive healthcare laws. Tuberville is exercising the hold until the Pentagon or new legislation changes the policy.

Clark said Democrats would also "fight" on the floor against other "culture war" amendments to the defense bill. They include cutting diversity, equity and inclusion offices and prohibiting the use of federal funding for diversity, equity and inclusion training.

There are also Republicans who want to add language prohibiting the sale or transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine and cutting Ukraine funding by $300 million. The vote on the Ukraine funding amendment easily failed.