Congresswoman Katherine Clark, D-5th, recently celebrated the award of a $30,000 grant to support child care for student parents at Regis College in Weston from the U.S. Department of Education. The Child Care Access Means Parents in Schools (CCAMPIS) grant provides funding for schools to support campus-based child care for student parents, alleviating a major financial obstacle for students.

“We know that the high cost of child care restricts parents from pursuing an education or a new career and that improving access to high quality, dependable and affordable child care is one of the most effective ways colleges and universities can support student parents,” said Clark. “I am thrilled that students at Regis College are benefiting from this vital federal program, giving them a fair shot at success and our children the foundational education that is vital to their future learning.”

Clark has championed the continuation and funding of this federal grant program, introducing legislation to reauthorize the program with a higher funding level in May 2019 and again including an expansion of the program in her Child Care Is Infrastructure Act, which was introduced in July.

“Regis College prides itself on providing comprehensive support services to all our students to ensure they achieve academic success,” said Regis College President Antoinette Hays. “This grant will be a tremendous help to our students who are parents hindered by the high costs of child care. I am grateful to Congresswoman Clark for championing this cause and her continued support for higher education.”

The high cost of child care is a barrier for student parents, especially low-income families. Right now, the cost of child care exceeds the national average fees and tuition for a four-year public university. As a result, student parents have higher debt than their peers and are often unable to complete their education.


Original story here.