WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, ahead of the Senate's vote on Republicans' harmful continuing resolution, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) joined Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8), and Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (CA-33) to underscore the devastating impact that passage of this bill will have on everyday, working Americans. Below is a transcript of her remarks:
"What we saw is a GOP that campaigned on a promise to the American people — that they would lower their costs, they would make their families safer. And in the last seven weeks, we've seen them do just the opposite.
"They've slashed Medicaid. They've taken away veterans’ benefits. They are attacking the funding for our public schools. They are out there saying, 'Elimination of Social Security and Medicare — it's the only way to balance our budget.'
"And we have been clear with this process that led us to this vote today. That we would join them in any CR — in any spending plan — that protected Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' benefits, feed hungry kids in this country, and keep our schools open. But that's not what they did.
"And when they put forward this bill, not only is it bad on the four corners of it, but we saw House GOP Member after House GOP Member come out and say in public, 'I wasn't sure about signing onto this until I met with the Trump administration, and they told me this is their vehicle for further dismantling the services that people who work for a living depend on in this country.'
"And that's why we're unified in our opposition. And we are not going to buy into this false binary decision — that it's a parade of bad choices. We know that already. We know what this administration and their enablers in the GOP in Congress are doing to the American people.
"Shutdowns are terrible. But so is this dismantling and this scheme to take deserving taxpayers' money and give it to the billionaire class. Each and every step of this is part of that scheme against everyday Americans who are waving their hands at this administration and saying, 'Live up to what you told us you would do. You are betraying us.'
"There is a reason the House GOP said, 'Let's cancel town halls.' Because they don't want to face the voters they are betraying.
"So we're saying at this moment, 'Come back to the table. Come back and negotiate.' We've never had a shutdown where one party controls the White House, the House, and the Senate. That has never happened for a reason.
"And so, this is a very unprecedented situation and an unprecedented disaster for the people who sent us here if we do not do everything in our power to fight back and say, 'Come back to the table, make a plan that is centered around the American people.'"
To watch the full event, click HERE.
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