WASHINGTON, D.C. —Today, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) joined Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8), Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (CA-33), Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-4), and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) for a press conference announcing the newest action in House Democrats’ continued fight to end America’s gun violence epidemic — a discharge petition to advance Ethan’s Law. Below is a transcript of her remarks:

“I want to start by thanking Mike Thompson and Rosa DeLauro for being such champions and for bringing us together here today. 

“We know the statistics. We know what is happening in our communities. That there is no zip code, no household that is safe from gun violence. And here’s the other thing we know: this is a choice. This is not inevitable. This is not a problem we can’t solve. This is a policy choice and a policy failure. And who is bearing the burden of this? Our children.

"As Kristin said so bravely, [how many more children] are we going to allow to serve a death sentence? [How many more] parents, families, loved ones, and communities [are we going to allow] to serve a life sentence of grief? How many times are we going to make Kristin and Mike, Ethan’s parents, come and speak their grief out loud to us? How many times are [we] going to make the affectionately known Guac’s parents come and speak after their son was killed in Parkland? 

“There is a bloody trail in this country, and it can stop. This is a simple bill. A simple bill that says we need to make sure that all guns are safely stored. This is a simple safety measure. And the fact that my Republican colleagues can face this kind of grief —these stories of loss? 

“All they have to do is go to the well of the House and sign a discharge petition. It wouldn’t take a majority. It wouldn’t take a lot of them. Just a handful to say: ‘We’re going to do something better in this country around gun violence. We are going to take a small step — but a critical one — for gun safety.’

“218. That’s all we need. We’re going to do our part on the Democratic side. They have an opportunity today to go to the Floor and sign a simple discharge petition and help us on the way to make Ethan’s Law — safe storage and lives saved — the law of the land.”

To view photos of the press conference, click HERE. To view the complete press conference, click HERE.

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