Law enforcement officials from Massachusetts were joined by others across the country in adding their names to a new call for an assault weapons ban.

Barnstable County Sheriff Donna Buckley was one of 11 current or former Massachusetts law enforcement officials to add their signature to a Boston Globe op-ed written by Stop Handgun Violence Founder and President John Rosenthal.

The column calls for Congress to push for a ban on access to military-grade assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.

"Therefore, we implore Congress to enact a new national ban on all military-style assault weapons and ammunition magazines greater than five rounds. Our nation’s citizens should be provided the same respect and consideration our hunting laws currently provide to protect populations of game animals," the op-ed read.

There were roughly 350 signatures in total, with non-law enforcement support coming from gun violence survivors, faith leaders, policymakers, labor unions, business leaders, medical professionals and educators.

This includes Massachusetts Congresswoman and Democratic Whip Katherine Clark.

"I signed because weapons of war have no place on the streets of our communities," Clark said. "It is time we choose kids over guns."

Others from the state to sign on include Gov. Maura Healey, Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka and Reps. Bill Keating, Seth Moulton and Ayanna Pressley.


Original story HERE