WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark, Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar and Vice Chair Ted Lieu released the following statement:

From the very beginning of the Congress, House Democrats have made clear that we will always put people over politics and try to find common ground with our Republican colleagues wherever possible, while pushing back against Republican extremism whenever necessary.

That is the framework through which we will evaluate all issues before us this Congress. We have consistently made clear that a government shutdown would hurt the economy, our national security and everyday Americans during a very fragile time and must be avoided. To that end, House Democrats have repeatedly articulated that any continuing resolution must be set at the fiscal year 2023 spending level, be devoid of harmful cuts and free of extreme right-wing policy riders. The continuing resolution before the House today meets that criteria and we will support it.

Moving forward, it is important that Congress comes together to advance the supplemental national security and domestic policy funding requested by President Joe Biden. In addition, it is time for House Republicans to finally work with the Democratic Caucus and the Senate on all twelve appropriations bills in a manner consistent with the Bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Act. We must complete the work of the American people.
