WASHINGTON DC – Congressmembers Katherine Clark and Kim Schrier will hold a virtual town hall on Facebook Live about America’s child care crisis and solutions being put forward in Congress for working families on Friday, September 11.

The conversation will be moderated by the Town Hall Project and the Congressmembers will be taking live questions from the public. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the child care industry, our economy, and working parents. Since March 2020, 60 percent of all child care providers across the nation were forced to shutter completely and have lost months of revenue.

This dramatic shortfall in revenue has disrupted the nation’s child care sector to such an extent that it is estimated nearly 40 percent of all providers will be forced to close completely without federal assistance.

Closures of this magnitude could ultimately lead to the loss of nearly 4.5 million child care slots and early educator jobs, which are overwhelmingly filled by women and women of color.

In July, House Democrats passed two bills providing $50 billions of relief funding and long term solutions to providers, early educators, kids and parents. Both bills, the Child Care is Essential Act and Child Care for Economic Recovery Act, are still sitting in the Republican controlled Senate.


Original story here.